News and events at Faith Lutheran Church in Jefferson City, MO.

News & Notes

Faith’s Pandamania VBS—This year is the perfect place and time to show just how wild you are about God. It will be held on July 11-15, from 8:45-11:45. We are still in need of volunteers so stop by the display table in the entryway to pick up your volunteer forms or registration forms.
Faith Guild—The June 9th meeting of Faith Guild will begin this Thursday at 6:30 p.m., at Jan Sonnenberg’s home, 4007 Terra Bella. The program will be “Herbs from the Bible,” presented by Jan Sonnenberg and Debbie Alter. Bring your Mites and bring a friend. We hope to see you there. Please note this is a change from the information printed in the handbook.
The Christian Book Discussion Group will meet Tuesday, June 7, at 6:30 p.m., at the home of Caryl Collier, 727 Hobbs Road, to discuss The Hiding Place. All women of Faith are invited to attend.
Diapers—Lutherans for Life is collecting diapers (any size) between Mothers’ Day and Fathers’ Day. These diapers will be given to Birthright for mothers in need. Help us out by putting them in the playpen in the narthex, thanks.
Softball—Come cheer for Faith Men’s Softball Team on Monday, 6:15 p.m., on Williams Field, at Binder Complex.
Teens Encounter Christ—“TEC” will be held this year at Faith Lutheran Church this Saturday, June 11, at 10 a.m., through Monday, June 13, at 7 p.m. TEC is for teens and adults 16 years and older. The retreat is led by Lutheran lay persons, youth, and clergy who have already attended a TEC weekend as they share themselves through talks, worship, prayer, fellowship, recreation, and prayer. TEC retreat gives participants an opportunity to experience the Risen Lord is a personal and refreshing way, apart from the business of life. Applications and more information are available online at
Needed: TEC Supply Donations—We are in need of the following items for the upcoming TEC weekend: Six 24 pack canned soda any kind, six 24 count water bottles any size, 100 candy bars or M&M type candies, 100 granola or snack bars, 1 bag of Dum Dum suckers, pencils and pens. Thank you for considering a donation from this list. Please bring items to the church office and label them TEC WEEKEND. You are welcome to make a ash donation for items to be purchased. Please give to Barb in the church office. Thank you very much for your support and prayers as we prepare for this retreat!
P.A.T.Ch.. at the Felger farm! Please join us for a picnic lunch and fun on the farm, Thursday, June 23rd, at 10:30 a.m. Wear old clothes/shoes, pack a lunch and plan to have fun seeing the animals and playing in the creek! Directions: from Hwy 50 west exit D/Lohman and take a left on D; after 2.5 miles take a right on West Lohman; after 2 miles take a left on Fischer Road, and after 0.5 mile you will see it, the first house on the right (call Dawn at 782-3737, if you get lost). Call Joanna at 584-0160 with any questions, and we hope to see you there!
Open House—Please join the family of Jack and Bethel (Michael) Johnson at an Open House celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary. A cake and punch reception will be held in the fellowship hall at Trinity Lutheran Church, on June 12, from 2-4 p.m. Come by anytime and join the celebration. No gifts please. The gift of your presence is present enough.
Calvary’s Gift—Calvary’s Gift continues to be a blessing to the community, the volunteers, and the high school. A volunteer meeting will be held at Calvary, on June 13th, beginning at 9:00 a.m. If you have thought about volunteering, but haven’t made the call yet, attending the meeting would be an excellent time to find out more about Calvary’s Gift, its mission, and how you can help.
Calvary Recruitment—Applications for the 2011-12 school year are now being accepted. At the current time we have 16 students whose families who have made the decision to send their child to Calvary.
We thank God that he continues to graciously provide families
who are seeking a Lutheran, Christ-centered education.